Pepper Shot

What are Pepper Shot Pepper Sprays?

Pepper Shot pepper sprays are a self-defense product designed to temporarily disable an attacker. They are made from highly concentrated forms of capsicum, and have been proven effective in providing protection against assailants. The active ingredient in Pepper Shot pepper spray is Oleoresin Capsicum, or OC for short. This natural form of pepper extract causes intense burning and pain when it comes into contact with skin, eyes, and mucous membranes, making it an ideal choice for self-defense. When used as a self-defense tool, Pepper Shot pepper sprays are typically deployed by releasing a stream of the OC solution towards an assailant from a distance of up to 12 feet away. 

What are the laws and legalities for Pepper Shot Pepper Spray?

The laws and legalities surrounding Pepper Shot pepper sprays can vary from state to state. Generally speaking, most states allow the possession of Pepper Shot pepper spray for self-defense purposes, with some restrictions in place. For instance, persons under the age of 18 may not legally purchase or possess pepper spray in many states. Additionally, some states may impose limits on the size or strength of the pepper spray that can be purchased, carried and used for self-defense purposes. It is important to check your local laws before purchasing or using a Pepper Shot pepper spray product.

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