Diversion Safes

What is a Diversion Safe?

A diversion safe is a type of container designed to hide valuables or other items that you want to keep hidden. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, but often resemble everyday objects like cans, books, and even cleaning supplies. The idea behind these types of safes is that they are designed to blend in with the rest of your home décor so that they can be easily overlooked by potential burglars. Diversion safes provide an extra layer of security for your belongings and can help protect them from theft or damage.

What is the difference between diversion safes and hidden safes?

The primary difference between diversion safes and hidden safes is the way they are designed. Diversion safes are usually made to look like everyday objects, such as books, cans or cleaning supplies. The idea behind these types of safes is that their design allows them to blend in with the rest of your home décor so that they can be easily overlooked by potential burglars. On the other hand, hidden safes are typically designed to be installed inside walls, floors, or other discreet locations where it would be difficult for a thief to find them, but hidden safes come at a much higher price and it is often exactly what the thief’s or burglar’s are going after.

What to look for when getting a diversion safe?

When looking for a diversion safe, it is important to consider the size and material of the container. Depending on what items you are planning to store, you may need a larger safe or one that is made from a sturdier material. It is also important to ensure that the safe does not stand out too much when placed around your home. Many diversion safes come in a variety of colors and designs so that they can easily blend into the décor of your home. 

Laws pertaining to diversion safes?

The laws pertaining to diversion safes vary from state to state. Generally, it is legal to own a diversion safe in most states, but there may be some restrictions on how the safe is used. For example, in some states it may be illegal to use a diversion safe as an alternative form of storage for firearms or other weapons. Additionally, some states may require certain types of safes to be registered and inspected by local law enforcement before they can be used. It is important to research and understand the laws in your state regarding the usage of diversion safes.

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